Wednesday, December 27, 2006


So, i'm going to be away for the next 8 days, why6? i'm off to America to meet lindseys parents. I think this could be an..... interesting experance, she lives in dallas, texas. So i have lots of stereotypes of Americans in my head, and texans are the cowboy type with big guns. Also i heard the men are really protective of their daughters. So best behavior, stiff upper lip and tiddley pom away I go.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all :)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

ROOM 101

It’s my 101st post. So I thought I’d do a 101 special J.

So what 3 things would Jonny send to room 101?

  • 4x4’s.

Yes those Chelsea tractors the bane of the road user everywhere. They seem to always park badly, they never see you because everything is too small. They are really bad for fuel efficacy and are in the worst group for co2 emissions. At night when you travel on the roads because they are so elevated their headlights are slap bang on the same level as your mirror so you get blinded. I see no need for these, if you have lots of kids get a people carrier or an estate car. The fact is the 4 wheel drive is now becoming a road car, there are sporty “vogue” versions, what farmer would buy a vogue? surely this is aimed at those soccer mom’s. I saw a top gear where they raced a new range rover sport against a tank, the range rover was shamed, it cant handle what it was designed to do, off road, though it did have lots of space and a refrigerator in the arm rest. These beasts have my vote to go to room 101! (with the exception of those who live on farms who have need for off road vehicles)

  • Liberal Theology

This is one thing that should be locked away and never seen again. Its derisive, its dribble. Theology that says things like, Jesus is not God, penal substitution is wrong, and the Bible is not the word of God. These are the basics that if you take away leave gaping holes in your faith and reduce you to licence or religion. Either way its will leave you empty and unfulfilled.

  • Processed Pop

Okay the first time round x-factor and pop idol got our attentions, but why do they persist in continuing? There is soo much samey rubbish that get thrown in our faces I think we should let music be music on its own merits and on the talent of the performers. With all this clutter being blasted out our TV and radio it strangles those with talent who haven’t been given their showbiz break. Ratings should not control the music business.

I hope this doesn’t sound like ranting, it is but its light-hearted. My room 101 selection for my 101 post.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

A happy christmas to all who read my blog.
A small christmas thought to all my readers.
The goose doesn't realy get the best deal at christmas, what being killed, stuffed, cooked and all.
This Christmas DONT BE A GOOSE, instead celebrate the true meaning of christmas, God come to earth, Jesus' birth.
Merry Christmas

Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace,
Hail, the Sun of Righteousness
Light and life to all He brings,
Risen with healing in His Wings.
Now He lays His Glory by,
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the New-born king!"

Saturday, December 23, 2006


So with all this cold and fog there are still things outdoors that need to be done, like walking the dogs. Now I like doing this I often walk in the woods and reflect, think, or just drink in the beauty of the woods. Last week I was walking in the woods and being honest things wernt/arnt that good with me. I was in a stretch of the woods, tired and down. And I just stopped waiting to hear from God (I did ask first).

I looked behind me and saw the corner I had come around in the distance, the sunset glow spilling from the direction I came to cast a golden shadow onto the path. Looking around me it was dim and muddy and cold, looking a ahead I could see the well known path but it was obscured by fog and the lack of light. Then for a moment I caught a glimpse of another dog walker in the distance before he was again swallowed by the fog.

This bought a few things to my mind. Looking back, I had come round a corner from light into dark, I could see where I had come from, but I couldn’t go back, that wasn’t the way to go. There was light in my life but now things have got darker. Looking at where I was, it is not a place to stop, its dark and hard and muddy. My path at the moment is difficult, but the path is also well trodden (hence all the mud). Two things here first, this is a well used path, we all live (or lived) and there is nothing new under the sun. People have been through what I have been through and yet have made it out the other end, the path is hard but its not impossible. Second I have been this way before, many of those footprints are mine and I know this path. I have been to some dark places previously in my life and I have got through them, I know that my life now is not as bad and I can cope by experience.

Lastly the distance, looking onwards I cant see where the path goes. I don’t know what my future holds at the moment uncertainty and foggy. But I do know that the woods end and then I can go home. Likewise this life will end at some piont in the (hopefully) distant future and I can go home, the woods arnt endless I just cant see the end. Also the figure in the distance, he has gone ahead of me, he has been down the path and is going before me. Jesus had done everything I need, he is my guide on my path and I can follow him, when the fog and dark descends he can disappear from sight, because you cant see him doesn’t mean he isn’t there.

I can look back and worry over better times gone and what I have lost, I can look down and get bogged in the present and my emotions and see a helpless situation. I can look forward and fear as I cant see the way . Or I can trust through experience and knowledge that the endless foggy darkness will end and where I am is not where I will be forever and walk on in the knowledge that I have a Lord who has gone before me and will get me home.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Going Postal

I received two letters in the post yesterday, I thought I’d post two extracts from them:

Letter 1

Dear Mr Hannan

We can confirm our inspection of the above vehicle on behalf of Norwich union motor claims, and advise that we have recommended to them that the claim be dealt with on a total loss basis.

Letter 2

Dear Mr Hannan

… At this time of year we want all our cars to perform faultlessly. A lot can happen between annual services; therefore I would like to invite you to have a special winter safety check on your vehicle for only £10+ VAT.

When you get these two letters on the same morning you just have to laugh.