Thursday, August 03, 2006


When threatened, fight.

If you are sad, act!

Hit them hard and hit them fast.

Klingons do not procrastinate.

If it's in your way, knock it down.

Klingons are a proud race, and we intend to go on being proud.

Great deeds, great songs.

Choose to fight, not negotiate.

If you must negotiate, watch your enemy's eyes.

Brute strength is not the most important asset in a fight.

There is nothing shameful in falling before a superior enemy.

When in doubt, surprise them.

There are no old warriors.

Blood and water don't mix.

Drinking fake ale is better then drinking water.

A warrior does not let a friend face danger alone.

When a warrior goes to a battle, he does not abandon his friends.

Klingons do not faint.

Klingons do not get sick.

Klingons do not lie in bed.

To understand life, endure pain.

Pleasure is nonessential.

A warrior does not complain about physical discomfort.

Klingons never bluff.

Capture all opportunities.

When you insult a Klingon's honor, prepare for trouble.

If you cannot fail, you cannot succeed.

If you cannot be shamed, you cannot be honored.

The Klingon who kills without showing his face has no honor.

Only an enemy without honor refuses to show himself in battle.

May your enemies run with fear.

For one mission, there is one leader.

A Klingon does not postpone a matter of honor.

It is a good day to die.

If you are afraid to die, you have already died.

Death is an experience best shared.

To die defending his ship is the hope of every Klingon.

To die in the line of duty is the hope of every Klingon.

To die while serving the Empire is the hope of every Klingon.

Never leave without your bat'leth.

No Klingon ever breaks his word.

A beard is a symbol of courage.

Stop talking! Drink!

Klingons do not surrender.

A Klingon does not run away from his battles.

Better to die on our feet than live on our knees.

Cowards take hostages. Klingons do not.

Even the best blade will rust and grow dull unless it is cared for.

The used kut'luch is always shiny.

Shooting space garbage is no test of a warriors mettle.

Only fools have no fear.

Only a fool fights in a burning house.

Only fools don't attack.

A fool's only achievement is death.

Mercy or power.

Revenge is the best revenge.

Four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man.

An honorable death requires no vengeance.

Tickle us, do we not laugh? Prick us , do we not bleed? Wrong us, shall we not seek revenge?

Revenge is a dish which is best served cold.

If winning is not important, then why keep score.

Gagh is always best served when live.

Admire the person with dirt under his fingernails.

Motives are insignificant.

When a warrior dies, his spirit escapes.

If the warrior's spirit has not escaped, the battle is still going on.

Curse well!

Conquer what you desire.

You have choosen your weapon, so fight!

Love is always smelled.

Klingons kill for their own purposes.

Don't trust those who frequently smile.

A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye.

If you sleep with targs, you'll wake up with glob flies.

No pain, no gain.

The son of a Klingon is a man the day he can first hold a blade.

The victor is always right.

In war, there is nothing more honorable than victory.

History is written by the victors.

To find ale, go into a bar.

A ship cloaks in order to attack.

Everyone encounters tribbles occasionally.

If you want to eat pipius claw, you'll have to break a few pipiuses.

Trust, but locate the doors.

Don't trust Yridians who bring gifts.

Don't trust Ferengi who give back money.

Don't just aim; hit the target!

If a warrior does not fight, he does not breathe.

You pay attention to your Fek'lhr and I will pay attention to mine.

No enemy is boring.

If you don't use the painstik, the child will never celebrate his Age of Ascension.

Have the courage to admit your mistakes.

Buy or die.

A girl chases a boy until she catches him, with luck he is not maimed for life


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